Archive for January, 2012


New Year, New Blog

January 10, 2012

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been so long!

You know how life sometimes sucks you in, and you don’t even notice what you’ve been missing? That’s what I feel has happened over the last few months.  No excuses, but now I am even more motivated to blog because I have lots of stuff to blog about!

I guess I can do a brief re-cap of what I’ve been up to, and will post more details in the coming weeks.

Since my last post, I:

celebrated my Birthday with some close friends, while being spoiled rotten with presents (hello new Kobo!)

disguised myself as Waldo for Halloween

Bought a brand new (to me) car!!!

Went to the most amazing Feist concert

Watched my friends get married!

And had a quiet family Christmas (where I was again spoiled with presents)

A lot has happened in my life, and I can’t wait to share it on this blog. I will also be changing the look of the blog, because as nice as it is, its not really me. Look forward to that and more regular (hopefully) posts!