Posts Tagged ‘Love Of My Life’


Quick update

February 17, 2011

Hi all! I hope you’re having a lovely week 🙂

Just a quick update before I’m off again. I had a lovely Valentines day with my boy, which involved yummy Greek food and a giant bouquet of flowers (it didn’t fit in our booth!). I had this idea to take some pictures in a photo booth and make a card out of it. I ran out of time to go to a real photo booth, but I found a digital one that really impressed me. This is the strip I ended up using:

If you are wondering about the last photo, it’s actually a flier for this site. I discovered it while reading Jen Loves Kev. Her wonderful husband created this website where people can dedicate their love, and it’s a reminder each time of how much he loves her *squee*. So I thought it would be a perfect Valentines card.

Last weekend I spent the day in down town Vancouver to soak up some Olympic memories and see the cauldron re-lite.  It was a great day, even with a rain storm. But at 4pm when the cauldron burst into flame it stopped raining.

While I wandered around down town, I went into the Bay and was lucky enough to try on some Olympic memorabilia. It was amazing to feel even more of a part of Canada’s victory in Hockey last year (both our men and women won gold!)

So that’s my week in a quick re-cap. See you next week!!


Just a little dab of this…

January 28, 2011

I love makeup just as much as the other girl. Over the years I have experimented, and now have my morning routine down to a few simple steps. I have tried countless brands, from drug stores to high end cosmetics. These are a few of my favorites that I use every day:

From left to right: Sephora concealer, Clinique tinted moisturizer (with spf!), Tarina Tarantino mascara, Clinique eyeshadow, Cover Girl gloss balm, Paul & Joe powder (with spf!)

My favorite is the Clinique tinted moisturizer. It has a touch of color to make my pale complexion look alive, with spf to protect my skin all year round. I don’t like foundation, nor do I really need it every day so this works for me just fine. The powder from Paul & Joe also has a bit of spf in it, so combined with the moisturizer my skin is safe from the sun.

The eyeshadow is a duo of pinky-brown colors that look great with my pale complexion. I occasionally use brown eye liner as well and smudge it to create a smokey eye look to make my eyes pop. It’s just enough color without going over board.

Finally, after many years of searching I found a great fragrance that I can wear every day without going overboard. Chloe’s perfume is subtle yet feminine, and the bottle is gorgeous just sitting on my dresser.

What makeup do you really like? Hope your friday is lovely, I’m off for the weekend on a little trip. If you get a chance, check out this great website and spread some love….